Thursday, July 7, 2011

“Human Gardens and Untamed Minds,”

a series of 30 min. contemporary dance installations,-- Inspired by the activist movement Guerilla Gardening— greening cities with personal acts of spontaneous gardening.

Gardens are the places urban dwellers go to connect with nature, bringing beauty to our cemented lives; but gardens were once the places our less “civilized” ancestors created to control and tame nature. Modern cities tame our wild natures and at the same time exist with uncontrollable variables at every turn.

“Human Gardens and Untamed Minds,” brings the living room- its privacy, its civility into the urban jungle of our city’s public spaces. We bring the intimacy of performance into the mix of uncontrolled elements of public space. Intimate. Public. Wild and tame.

“Human Gardens…” asks us to question how we are inhabiting ourselves, our cities- who is responsible in making our cities places we call home?... Connected to the beauty of nature, the ecosystem of the whole planet, and the wildness in our own hearts.

(At the Works Art and Visual Design Festival, Edmonton, 2011)